$Host contains information about the current hosting application.
$Profile contains the path to the current user profile for PowerShell.
$PID contains the process ID of current PowerShell session.
$PSUICulture contains the UI culture or the regional language of the user interface.
$NULL contains the value of NULL.
$False contains the value of False.
$True contains the value of True.
In the PowerShell interpreter, we can directly execute a cmdlet, which implements a particular operation set. They are named by a verb and a noun separated by a hyphen such as Get-Item and Get-ChildItem.
We can retreive a full list of commands currently available by running Get-Command. This will return a long table of commands and may be overwhelming if we are trying to find a specific cmdlet.
We can filter the output of Get-Command by using the -Verb flag and the name of a verb. For example, we might try Get-Command -Verb export, Get-Command -Verb edit, or Get-Command -Verb out.
We can also use the -Noun flag to filter the results of Get-Command to find what we are looking for. If we are looking to output to a file, our noun may be file. We might try the following.
We can also combine the two:
Use the Get-Help cmdlet to determine what a cmdlet does and how to use it:
A provider in PowerShell is a .NET program to access data stores in a standardized manner. Providers make the data easier to access as it’s presented in a consistent way that is similar to a file system drive. Providers are typically included in modules and are accessible after the module has been loaded into the current session. We can view a list of current providers by running Get-PSProvider.
The above output contains the provider name, capabilities, and drives as mentioned before. We check what type of data these drives contain by using the Get-Item cmdlet. Let’s check out the alias drive by running Get-Item alias..
Let’s try working with the registry provider. Before we start, we need to open a PowerShell window with Administrator privileges. Open the Windows start menu, type “powershell”, right-click on the “Windows Powershell” entry, and click Run As Administrator. A new PowerShell window will open with Administrator privileges so we will able to work with the registry.
We can now run Get-ChildItem to list the contents of HKLM. We will see some errors, but this is expected.
The errors we received are due to the Security Account Manager (SAM) section of the registry only being accessible by a user with System access. Because of this, when we attempt to list the items under HKLM, we are unable to list information about the SAM section of the registry and receive “access is not allowed” errors even if we are running PowerShell as an Administrator. We can ignore this error as we don’t need access to the SAM at this time. In addition to SAM, we find entries for Hardware, Software, and System.
Let’s move into the software directory and run ls to list items.
Depending on the provider, we may be able to view, add, modify, and remove items. These actions are achieved using a variety of cmdlets such as Get-Item, New-Item, Set-Item, and Remove-Item. Let’s test this out by creating a new registry key of “myKey” with a property of “Test” set to a value of 1. First, we will need to add the key with the New-Item cmdlet followed by the key name “myKey”.
Next, let’s add a property using the New-ItemProperty cmdlet. We will need to specify the key we just made (myKey) after the -Path argument, then the name of our new property after the -Name argument. Let’s set the type of the property to DWORD with the -Type argument, and finally a -Value argument set to 1.
Now that we have a new registry key and property set, let’s verify using Get-Item followed by our key name of “myKey”. This will show us the key we set and the property we assigned it.
Now that we have successfully set a new registry key and value, let’s remove it. We can use the Remove-Item cmdlet and enter Remove-Item .\myKey\ on the command line. This cmdlet doesn’t print any response to the screen if it’s successful. We have now accessed a PowerShell provider, added a new item, set its property, and removed it.
A module in PowerShell is package that contain additional cmdlets, functions, providers, and more. It can be imported into the current PowerShell session giving access to new functionality. A list of currently loaded modules can found by running the Get-Module cmdlet.
By default, we are presented with the module type, version, name, and exported commands.
Additionally, we can list all available modules installed on the system not loaded into our current session by adding the -ListAvailable flag to Get-Module. This will check the PsModulePath environment variable and list the entries separated by their install location on the local system.
Now that we know how to find loaded and unloaded modules, we need to find out what a module can do. To find a list of commands available in a specific module, we will need to use the Get-Command cmdlet. Running this cmdlet alone will print out all commands available in the current session, which can be over 1500 entries including cmdlets, functions, and aliases.
To list just the commands in a specific module, we will need to append the -Module flag followed by the module name we want to list the commands of. The module does not need to be loaded in order to list the commands it provides. Let’s take a closer look at the Defender module.
Based off of the names, we can take a guess of what each one does. However, in order to properly use these commands we will need more information on their usage and required arguments. Each command should have a help file associated with it that we can read to get more information (similar to a Bash man page). To do this, we can use the Get-Help cmdlet followed by the command name. Let’s inspect Start-MpScan by running Get-Help Start-MpScan. Doing this will automatically load the module into the current session.
Note that the last line in this listing indicates that we can run the same command with the -Online flag. This will open the default browser to the relevant help page, which usually contains more information and details on how to use the command.
From the output of the Get-Help_command for Start-MpScan, we can find out what it does and how to run it. Let’s test it out by running a quick scan on our user directory from PowerShell. We will need to specify the directory we want to scan by using the -ScanPath flag followed by the path C:\Users<username>. Let’s also specify that we want a quick scan by using the -ScanType flag.
Running this scan can take a few minutes. If nothing malicious was found during the scan, there isn’t any output.
Scripting in PowerShell is usually done by crafting a .ps1 file. On a Windows system, double-click script execution is disabled by default to protect users and the system. PowerShell maintains an execution policy that determines which type of PowerShell scripts (if any) can be run on the system. The default policy is Restricted for Windows clients, while it is RemoteSigned for Windows servers.
Restricted policy means the system will neither load PowerShell configuration files nor run PowerShell scripts. RemoteSigned policy allows the execution of PowerShell scripts only if they meet some conditions like if the script was written on the local system and not downloaded from the Internet, or the script contains a digital signature from a trusted publisher.
We can use the Get-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet to check what policy currently applies to us.
To be able to execute our scripts, we will need to set the RemoteSigned execution policy, for example.
Execution policies for the local computer and current user are stored in the registry. In order to make a change in the registry, we need administrator privileges. To set the policy from a PowerShell command prompt, we click the Windows Start button, right-click the Windows PowerShell application, and select Run as Administrator. When presented with a User Account Control prompt, we select Yes, and enter Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.
Note that the execution policy for a particular session is stored only in memory and is lost when the session is closed. To set the policy for only a session we can start the PowerShell command line with -ExecutionPolicy switch to pass the desired policy. It’s common to set the policy to “bypass” temporarily using this method. Another way is to use the Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet and pass the -Scope Process argument along with the desired policy name.
Let’s create a simple PowerShell script and learn how to execute it when the execution policy is set to restrictive. First, we will need to create a new file with our favorite text editor (Notepad is fine). We’ll enter the PowerShell commands below into our file and save it as computerInfo.ps1.
Now that our test script is saved, let’s try to execute it.
In our PowerShell console, we’ll attempt to execute the script by calling the full path to the file. In this case, it’s on the Desktop of the account “User”, and the full path of the file is C:\Users\User\Desktop\computerInfo.ps1.
The error message lets us know that the script did not run due to the current execution policy. We can change the execution policy for our current PowerShell session using one of the methods we just covered, but let’s examine a faster method.
From PowerShell, we can spawn a new PowerShell session with the execution policy we want that just runs our script and exits back to our original session. To do this, we call powershell.exe followed by the -exec argument followed by the desired policy and then the path to our script. This is a temporary PowerShell session so let’s use a policy of Bypass.
Running this should succeed and will result in a file being created named computerInfoOut.txt in the current directory of your PowerShell session. We can verify this by running type computerInfoOut.txr, which will output the contents of the file to the console. With that done, we have successfully created and executed a PowerShell script.